Carson College of Business Faculty Directory

Carson College Directory

Darrel Muehling

Professor, Mktg
Marketing and International Business


Phone: (509) 335-7302
Office: TODD ADD 382


  • PhD (University of Nebraska - Lincoln)
  • MS (Kearney State College)
  • BA (Kearney State College)
  • BS (Kearney State College)

Darrel Muehling

Dr. Darrel Muehling is an emeritus professor in the Department of Marketing and International Business at Washington State University where he has been a faculty member since 1985.

Research Interests

brand/product placements
communications theory and practice
consumer response to advertising
copy-cat branding strategies
persuasive effects of color on consumers' brand judgments
tolerance of negativity

Teaching Interests

principles of marketing
promotion management

Journal Articles

  • Ioannis Kareklas, Darrel Muehling, Sky King The Effect of Color and Self-View Priming in Persuasive Communications Journal of Business Research,
  • Dominique Braxton, Darrel Muehling, Jeff Joireman The Effects of Processing Mode and Brand Scandals on Copycat Product Evaluations Journal of Marketing Communications, 2019
  • Darrel Muehling, Akshaya Vijayalakshmi, Russell Laczniak The Effects of Tolerance of Negativity on Consumers' Responses to Comparative Attack Advertising Journal of Marketing Communications, 2018
  • Akshaya Vijayalakshmi, Darrel Muehling, Russell Laczniak An Investigation of Consumers' Responses to Comparative "Attack" Ads Journal of Promotion Management, 2015
  • Ioannis Kareklas, Darrel Muehling, T.J. Weber Reexamining health messages in the digital age: A fresh look at source credibility effects Journal of Advertising, 2015
  • Ioannis Kareklas, Jeffrey Carlson, Darrel Muehling "I eat organic for my benefit and yours": Egoistic and altruistic considerations for purchasing organic food and their implications for advertising strategists Journal of Advertising, 2014
  • Ioannis Kareklas, Darrel Muehling Addressing the texting and driving epidemic: Mortality salience priming effects on attitudes and behavioral intentions Journal of Consumer Affairs, 2014
  • Darrel Muehling, David Sprott, Abdullah Sultan Exploring the boundaries of nostalgic advertising effects: A consideration of childhood brand exposure and attachment on consumers responses to nostalgia-themed advertisements Journal of Advertising, 2014
  • Guangzhi Zhao, Darrel Muehling, Ioannis Kareklas Remembering the good old days: The moderating role of Consumer Affective State on the Effectiveness of Nostalgic Advertising Journal of Advertising, 2014
  • Darrel Muehling, Russell Laczniak, Kristine Ehrich Consumers’ Responses to Positive and Negative Comparative Advertisements: The Moderating Effect of Current Brand Usage Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 2013
  • Darrel Muehling The relative influence of advertising-evoked personal and historical nostalgic thoughts on consumers' brand attitudes Journal of Marketing Communications, 2013
  • Darrel Muehling, Vincent Pascal An Involvement Explanation for Nostalgia Advertising Effects Journal of Promotion Management, 2012
  • Brian Gillespie, Jeffrey Joireman, Darrel Muehling The moderating effect of ego depletion on viewer brand recognition and brand attitudes following exposure to subtle versus blatant product placements in television programs Journal of Advertising, 2012
  • Alex Wang, Darrel Muehling The moderating influence of brand status and source confirmation on third-party endorsement effects in advertising International Journal of Advertising, 2012
  • Ioannis Kareklas, Jeffery Carlson, Darrel Muehling The role of regulatory focus and self-view in 'green' adverti sing message framing Journal of Advertising, 2012
  • Darrel Muehling, Vincent Pascal An empirical investigation of the differential effects of personal, historical, and non-nostalgic advertising on consumer responses Journal of Advertising, 2011
  • Alex Wang, Darrel Muehling The effects of audio-visual and visual-only cues on consumers'responses to co-branded advertising Journal of Marketing Communications, 2010
  • Kivilcim Dogerlioglu-Demir, Kristine Ehrich, Darrel Muehling Under the cover of alcohol: The impact of alcohol consumption and preventive media on intentions to engage in deviant behavior Advances in Consumer Research, 2009
  • Paul Bolls, Darrel Muehling The effects of dual-task processing on consumers' responses to high- and low-imagery radio advertisements Journal of Advertising, 2007
  • Rachel Maldonado, Darrel Muehling The Effect of Social Identity Cues Under Incidental Ad Exposure Conditions Journal of Promotion Management, 2006
  • Darrel Muehling, David Sprott The power of reflection : An empirical examination of nostalgia advertising effects Journal of Advertising, 2004
  • Paul Bolls, Darrel Muehling, Kak Yoon The effects of television commercial pacing on viewers' attention and memory Journal of Marketing Communications, 2003
  • Rachel Maldonado, Patriya Tansuhaj, Darrel Muehling The Impact of Gender on Ad Processing: A Social Identity Perspective Academy of Marketing Science Review, 2003
  • Vincent Pascal, David Sprott, Darrel Muehling The Influence of Evoked Nostalgia on Consumers' Responses to Advertising: An Exploratory Study Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 2002
  • Rajiv Vaidyanathan, Praveen Aggarwal, Donald Stem, Jr., Darrel Muehling, U.N. Umesh Deal Evaluation and Purchase Intention: The Impact of Aspirational and Market-Based Internal Reference Prices Journal of Product and Brand Management, 2000
  • Rajiv Vaidyanathan, Darrel Muehling The Availability and Use of Internal Reference Prices in Deal Evaluations: A Conceptual Foundation Journal of Promotion Management, 1999
  • Kak Yoon, Paul Bolls, Darrel Muehling The Effect of Involvement, Arousal, and Pace on Claim and Non-claim Components of Attitude toward the Ad Media Psychology, 1999
  • Russell Laczniak, DeAnna Kempf, Darrel Muehling Advertising Message Involvement: The Role of Enduring and Situational Factors Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 1999
  • Darrel Muehling, Richard Kolbe A Comparison of Children’s and Prime-Time Fine-Print Advertising Disclosure Practices Journal of Advertising, 1998
  • Richard Kolbe, Darrel Muehling Practitioners' Perspectives on Fine Print in Television Advertising Journal of Promotion Management, 1997
  • Darrel Muehling, Richard Kolbe Fine Print in Television Advertising: Views from the Top Journal of Advertising, 1997
  • Kak Yoon, Darrel Muehling, Chong Cho A comparison of Korean and American attitudes towards advertising Journal of Marketing Communications, 1996
  • Darrel Muehling, Russell Laczniak The effects of fine-print disclosure type and involvement on brand attitude formation Journal of Marketing Communications, 1996
  • Richard Kolbe, Darrel Muehling Gender roles and children's television advertising Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 1995
  • Russell Laczniak, Darrel Muehling, Les Carlson Mothers' Attitudes Toward 900-Number Advertising Directed at Children Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 1995
  • Kak Yoon, Russell Laczniak, Darrel Muehling, Bonnie Reece A revised model of advertising processing: Extending the dual mediation hypothesis Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 1995
  • Richard Kolbe, Darrel Muehling An investigation of the fine print in children's television advertising Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 1995
  • Russell Laczniak, Les Carlson, Darrel Muehling A Consumer Socialization Explanation of Parental Concern With Toy-Based Programs Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 1995
  • Les Carlson, Russell Laczniak, Darrel Muehling Understanding parental concern about toy-based programming: New insights from socialization theory Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 1994
  • Carl Bozman, Darrel Muehling, Kathy Pettit-O'Malley The Directional Influence of Music Backgrounds in Television Advertising Journal of Applied Business Research, 1994
  • Michelle McCann, Donald Stem, Jr., Darrel Muehling Attorneys' attitudes toward legal advertising: A longitudinal view Journal of Professional Services Marketing, 1993
  • Russell Laczniak, Darrel Muehling The relationship between experimental manipulations and tests of theory in an advertising message involvement context Journal of Advertising, 1993
  • Darrel Muehling, Michelle McCann Attitude toward the ad: A review Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 1993
  • Russell Laczniak, Darrel Muehling Toward a Better Understanding of the Role of Advertising Message Involvement in Ad Processing Psychology & Marketing, 1993
  • Darrel Muehling, Russell Laczniak, J. Andrews Defining, operationalizing, and using involvement in advertising research: A review Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 1993
  • Darrel Muehling, Jeffrey Stoltman An investigation of factors underlying practitioners' attitudes toward comparative advertising International Journal of Advertising, 1992
  • Darrel Muehling, Les Carlson, Russell Laczniak Parental Perceptions of Toy-Based Programs: An Exploratory Analysis Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 1992
  • Richard Kolbe, Darrel Muehling A content analysis of the "fine print" in television advertising Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 1992
  • Darrel Muehling, Russell Laczniak An Examination of Factors Mediating and Moderating Advertising's Effect on Brand Attitude Formation Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 1992
  • J. Andrews, Syed Akhler, Srinivas Durvasula, Darrel Muehling The effects of advertising distinctiveness and message content involvement on cognitive and affective responses to advertising Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 1992
  • Bob Cutler, Darrel Muehling Another look at advocacy advertising and the boundaries of commercial speech Journal of Advertising, 1991
  • Darrel Muehling, Russel Laczniak, Jeffrey Stoltman The moderating effects of ad message involvement: A reassessment Journal of Advertising, 1991
  • Darrel Muehling, Carl Bozman An examination of factors influencing effectiveness of 15-second advertisements International Journal of Advertising, 1990
  • Darrel Muehling, Jeffrey Stoltman, Sanjay Mishra An examination of the cognitive antecedents of attitude-toward-the-ad Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 1990
  • Russell Laczniak, Darrel Muehling Delayed effects of advertising moderated by involvement Journal of Business Research, 1990
  • Darrel Muehling, Jeffrey Stoltman, Sanford Grossbart The impact of comparative advertising on levels of message involvement Journal of Advertising, 1990
  • Ellen Foxman, Darrel Muehling, Phil Berger An Investigation of Factors Contributing to Consumer Brand Confusion Journal of Consumer Affairs, 1990
  • Bob Cutler, Darrel Muehling Advocacy advertising and the boundaries of commercial speech Journal of Advertising, 1989
  • Russell Laczniak, Darrel Muehling, Sanford Grossbart Manipulating message involvement in advertising research Journal of Advertising, 1989
  • Darrel Muehling, Donald Stem, Jr., Peter Raven Comparative Advertising: Views From Advertisers, Agencies, Media and Policy Makers Journal of Advertising Research, 1989
  • Darrel Muehling, Russell Laczniak Advertising's immediate and delayed influence on brand attitudes: Considerations across message involvement levels Journal of Advertising, 1988
  • Ellen Foxman, Darrel Muehling, Patrick Moore Disclaimer Footnotes In Ads: Discrepancies Between Purpose and Performance Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 1988
  • Darrel Muehling, William Weeks Women's perceptions of personal selling: Some positive results Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, 1988
  • Darrel Muehling An investigation of factors underlying attitude-toward-advertising-in-general Journal of Advertising, 1987
  • Darrel Muehling Comparative advertising: The influence of attitude-toward-the-ad on brand evaluation Journal of Advertising, 1987
  • William Weeks, Darrel Muehling Student Perceptions of Personal Selling Industrial Marketing Management, 1987
  • Darrel Muehling, Joseph Cote, U.N. Umesh, William Weeks Marketing Researchers as Consumers: An Analysis of the Use of the Journal of Marketing Journal of Marketing Education: JME/Cosponsored by the Western Marketing Educators Association and Marketing Division and Business Research Division, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1987
  • Sanford Grossbart, Darrel Muehling, Norman Kangun Verbal and visual references to competition in comparative advertising Journal of Advertising, 1986
  • Darrel Muehling, Norman Kangun The Multi-Dimensionality of Comparative Advertising: Implications for the Federal Trade Commission Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 1985
  • James Brown, Robert Lusch, Darrel Muehling Conflict and Power-Dependence Relations in Retailer-Supplier Channels Journal of Retailing, 1983

    Books/Book Chapters

    • Book Ioannis Kareklas, Darrel Muehling Deciphering Organic Foods: A Comprehensive Guide to Organic Food Production, Consumption, and Promotion
    • Book Chapter Ioannis Kareklas, Jeffrey Carlson, Darrel Muehling, Kim Sheehan, Lucy Atkinson The Role of Regulatory Focus and Self-View in 'Green' Advertising Message Framing
    • Book Chapter Darrel Muehling, Richard Kolbe, M. Macklin, Les Carlson A Comparison of Children's and Prime-Time Fine-Print Advertising Disclosure Practices
    • Book Chapter Michelle McCann, Donald Stem, Jr., Darrel Muehling, William Winston Attorneys' Attitudes Toward Legal Advertising: A Longitudinal View
    • Book Chapter Les Carlson, Russell Laczniak, Darrel Muehling, Robert Leone, V. Kumar Antecedents of Mothers' Perceptions of Toy-Based Programming: An Empirical Investigation
    • Book Chapter Darrel Muehling, Russell Laczniak, Les Carlson, Mary Gilly A Parental Perspective of Issues Surrounding Toy-Based Programming
    • Book Chapter Darrel Muehling, Russell Laczniak, Peter Gordon, Bert Kellerman Improving Student Involvement in the Classroom: Some Suggestions for Marketing Educators
    • Book Chapter Lawrence Crosby, Darrel Muehling, Richard Bagozzi, Alice Tybout External Variables and the Fishbein Model: Mediation, Moderation, or Direct Effects?

      Conference Proceedings

      • Ioannis Kareklas, Darrel Muehling, Sky King An Exploration of the Associative Properties of Colors and Self-Views in Advertising American Academy of Advertising
      • Brian Gillespie, Darrel Muehling, Ioannis Kareklas Consumer Engagement with Product Placements: Affective Fit and Narrative Fit as Determinants of Consumer Evaluations of Placed Brands American Academy of Advertising
      • Ismail Karabas, T. J. Weber, Ioannis Kareklas, Darrel Muehling Suspiciously Positive: Consumer Reactions to Exceedingly Positive Reviews American Academy of Advertising
      • Akshaya Vijayalakshmi, Russell Laczniak, Darrel Muehling Measuring Consumers' Responses to Negative Advertising: The Tolerance of Negativity (TON) Scale American Academy of Advertising conference, Chicago
      • Dominique Braxton, Darrel Muehling, Jeff Joireman The Effects of Negative Information on Copycat Brand Evaluation Association for Consumer Research conference
      • Russell Laczniak, Kristine Ehrich, Darrel Muehling, Akshaya Vijayalakshmi An Investigation of the Attitude Resistance Process on Negatively Framed Comparative Ads Proceedings, AMA summer educators' conference
      • Russell Laczniak, Kristine Ehrich, Darrel Muehling, Akshaya Vijayalakshmi, Steven Edwards The Influence of Negatively Framed Comparative Ads on Users and Non-Users of the Comparative Referent: Attitude Resistance Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising
      • Abdullah Sultan, Darrel Muehling, David Sprott The Effect of Personal Attachment and Usage on Consumers’ Response to Nostalgia
      • Guangzhi Zhao, Darrel Muehling, Surendra Singh, Junwu Chai The Moderating Role of Consumer Affect on the Effectiveness of Nostalgia Advertising
      • K. Dogerlioglu-Demir, Darrel Muehling, K. Ehrich, Jeffrey Joireman Tolerance of negativity (TON): Scale development and an application in an advertising context Society for Consumer Psychology Proceedings
      • Rachel Maldonado, Patriya Tansuhaj, Darrel Muehling Social Identification Effects in Incidental Processing of Advertisements by Young Adults Association for Consumer Research Conference
      • Sanford Grossbart, Stephanie McConnell Hughes, Cara Okleshen, Les Carlson, Russell Laczniak, Darrel Muehling, Ram Krishnan, Madhu Viswanathan Parents, Children, and the Internet: Socialization Perspectives Marketing Theory and Applications, Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Winter Educators' conference
      • Darrel Muehling The Proceedings of the 1998 Conference of the American Academy of Advertising, Washington State University
      • Russell Laczniak, DeAnna Kempf, Darrel Muehling, M. Macklin Advertising Message Involvement: An Interaction of Situational and Enduring Factors? American Academy of Advertising
      • Darrel Muehling, G. Black, Russell Laczniak, Charles Madden The Effects of Informative and Restrictive Footnotes on Brand Attitude Formation American Academy of Advertising
      • Russell Laczniak, Darrel Muehling, Les Carlson, Karen Whitehill King An Exploratory Investigation of Mothers' Attitudes Toward 900-Number Advertising Directed at Children American Academy of Advertising
      • Les Carlson, Russell Laczniak, Darrel Muehling, Esther Thorson Parental Socialization Types and Concern About Toy-Based Programs American Academy of Advertising
      • Russell Laczniak, Les Carlson, Darrel Muehling, Len Reid Mothers' Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Toy-Based Programs: An Empirical Investigation American Academy of Advertising
      • Russell Laczniak, Darrel Muehling, Les Carlson, Rebecca Holman Effects of Motivation and Ability on Ad-Induced Cognitive Processing American Academy of Advertising
      • Jeffrey Stoltman, Fred Morgan, Darrel Muehling, Rebecca Holman Televised Advertising Disclosures: A Review and Synthesis American Academy of Advertising
      • Carl Bozman, Darrel Muehling, Kathy Pettit, Steven Ross, Terrell Williams The Influence of Emotive Cues in Television Advertising: An Exploratory Study Western Decision Sciences Institute
      • Darrel Muehling, Jeffrey Stoltman, Susan Douglas Advertising's Influence: Do Perceptions Match Reality? American Marketing Association
      • Darrel Muehling, Terence Shimp The Influence of Attitudes-Toward-Advertising-in-General on Attitudes-Towards-an-Ad American Marketing Association
      • Jeffrey Stoltman, Russell Laczniak, Darrel Muehling, Robert Lusch The Influence of Purchase Situations on Consumer Behavior American Marketing Association
      • Norman Kangun, Darrel Muehling, Sanford Grossbart, Russell Belk An Empirical Investigation of the Cognitive Effects of Alternative References to Competition in Comparative Advertising: Implications for the F.T.C. American Marketing Association


        • Brian Gillespie, Darrel Muehling Fitting Product Placements: The Role of Product Placement in Consumer Enjoyment of Media
        • Kivilcim Dogerlioglu, Kristine Ehrich, Darrel Muehling, Jeff Joireman, Alexander Chernev, Michal Herzenstein, Shailendra Jain Tolerance of Negativity (TON): Development of a New Measure and Validation in Two Advertising Contexts